Mapa de Sementes do Minecraft

1.20.1-Bedrock / 107868 #y=320


Semente e versão



Sementes irmãs:


O que é o

Um visualizador de mapa de sementes do Minecraft online e buscador de sementes que ajuda você a localizar biomas e estruturas e encontrar as sementes que você deseja.

Ele mostra um mapa navegável para uma semente específica com biomas, estimativa de terreno e estruturas como Vilas e Monumentos Oceânicos.

Também pode ser usado para encontrar sementes com biomas e estruturas específicas dentro de uma área determinada.


Sobre Minecraft


Dica profissional!
Se você leva sementes mais a sério, precisa de alto desempenho e recursos avançados de busca de sementes, o aplicativo de desktop open source Cubiomes Viewer é para você.



  • Added a setting to display a floating tooltip under the mouse cursor showing coordinates and biomes.
  • Fixed false positives for Java Edition Desert Pyramids, Jungle Temples and Woodland Mansions where the terrain is not suitable for the structure.
  • Fixed UI glitches, improved navigation handling.


  • Fixed Java slime chunk inaccuracies


  • Much faster multithreaded seed finder
  • Fixed map zoom glitches
  • Reworked map image copy and download functions, should work on all modern browsers
  • Switched to a more modern UI library (Mantine)


  • Added keyboard controls (click on the map, then use the arrow keys to pan and the +/- keys to zoom)
  • Faster initial map loading, smaller download size


  • Added support for larger Pale Garden generation with Woodland Mansions in Java 1.21.5 Snapshot 25w02a+ and Bedrock 1.21.60+ (experimental)

Credits is created by Balázs Farkas ("megasys").

Java biomes and structures are calculated using the cubiomes library created by Cubitect and other contributors. You can expect the same results as with Cubiomes Viewer, presented in a different visual style.

Java datapack maps are calculated using a library created by me.

Bedrock 1.16 and 1.17 biomes and Bedrock Nether are calculated using a cubiomes fork by Reed A. Cartwright.

Bedrock structure calculation is based on information from Bedrockified by Earthcomputer and from MCBEStructureFinder by xiaohengying.

Structure generation parameters for many Bedrock structures are obtained by analyzing structure positions found in the game, and trying all possible parameters using a brute force algorithm until finally finding the ones that result in the correct positions.

Map colors are from cubiomes (some are slightly adjusted), inspired by Amidst.

The user interface was built on Mantine.
The map is displayed using OpenLayers.

Translations were made using ChatGPT with limited human revision. is protected and accelerated by Cloudflare® services.

Open source Minecraft libraries used:

Thanks to all users who provided feedback and suggestions 🙏